
An object is a type that contains fields. Objects can be queried and mutated. Objects can also be defined as arguments that can be passed to a query or mutation. Objects can be scalar or object types.


The result of the activate wallet deposit mutation.



status WalletDepositAddressStatus!

The wallet deposit address status


Details of the address.



type String!

The type of account identified by the address. E.g. "EvmContractSimpleMultiSig", "TronNativeMultiSig", etc.

state String!


caip2Uri String!

The CAIP-2 URI of the network the account is associated with.

caip10Uri String!

The CAIP-10 URI of the account.

deploymentTxHash String

The hash of the deployment transaction. Only applicable if the account requires on-chain deployment.


Additional details of an address on the blockchain.



address String!

The address on the blockchain.

label String

The label of the address, if available. Otherwise, the value will be null.


The result of approving a signature request.



signatureRequestId ID!

The system-generated unique ID of the signature request.


The transaction request approval with latest status



walletTransactionRequestId ID!

The system-generated unique ID of the transaction request approval.

approverId ID!

The system-generated unique ID of the approver.

actionType ApprovalActionType!

The type of approval action.

createdAt DateTime!

The date and time when the transaction request approval was created.

updatedAt DateTime!

The date and time when the transaction request approval was last updated.

actor OrganizationMember!

The approver of the transaction request.

status TransactionRequestStatus!

Status of approved transaction.


Price change in percentage, if available.



percent24h Float

Price change in percentage over the last 24 hours.


The balance of an address / account, for a specific asset on the blockchain. Balances can be expressed in various denominations and units.



amount String!

The balance of the asset denominated in the smallest unit.

decimals String!

The number of decimal places to use when formatting the balance. For example, 18 for ETH, 8 for BTC, 6 for TRX.

symbol String

The symbol of the asset, if available.

humanReadable String!

The balance of the asset represented in a human-readable string. Computed as amount / 10 ^ decimals. This is meant to be used for display purposes only, and not for computation. If you need to perform any computation, use amount and decimals instead.


The result of the batch flush wallet deposit address mutation operation.



transactionRequestId String!

The system-generated request ID of the batch flush transaction.


Use requestId instead.

requestId String!

The system-generated request ID of the batch flush transaction.

transactionHash String

The hash of the batch flush transaction.


Represents the encrypted data structure that holds the wallet key.



cipher String!

The algorithm used to encrypt the private key. Currently supports only AES with a 256-bit key in CBC mode.

keyDerivation String!

The method used to derive a cryptographic key from a password. Currently only supports Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2 (PBKDF2).

keyHasher String!

The cryptographic hash function used. Currently supports only SHA-256.

iter Int!

The number of iterations for the key derivation function. Typically, a higher number means stronger security at the cost of longer computation time.

salt String!

The salt value used in the key derivation function. Helps in preventing rainbow table attacks.

iv String!

Initialization Vector (IV) used for the encryption process in CBC mode. Ensures that the encryption is unique even with the same data and key.

cipherText String!

The encrypted version of the private key.

hash String!

Hash value of the encrypted data, ensuring its integrity and authenticity.




confirmations Float!

The number of confirmations that the contract deployment transaction has received.

minConfirmations Float

The minimum number of confirmations for a deployment transaction to be regarded as "safe" for the network.


The result of creating a signature request.



signatureRequestId ID!

The system-generated unique ID of the signature request.

walletId ID!

The system-generated unique ID of the wallet.

createdAt DateTime!

The date and time the signature request was created.

state String!

The state of the signature request.


The result of the create wallet deposit address mutation operation.



walletDepositAddressId ID!

The system-generated unique ID of the created deposit address.

label String!

The label of the deposit address.

address String!

The deposit address for the wallet.


The result of the deploy wallet deposit address mutation operation.



transactionHash String!

Transaction hash of the contract deployment transaction.


Stores the relations between the digest, the key, and the transaction request.



kvsDigestId ID!

The system-generated unique ID of the digest.


Use digestId instead.

digestId ID!

The system-generated unique ID of the digest.

walletKeyId ID!

The system-generated unique ID of the wallet key.

requestId ID!

The system-generated unique ID of the transaction request.

digest String!

The message digest to sign that generates the corresponding signature.

signature String

Signature of the digest. A signature on a digest is produced by a Key in Levain's Key Vault Service(KVS).A signature is undefined if the state is PENDING.

state DigestState!

The state of the digest.


The result of the flush wallet deposit address mutation operation.



transactionHash String!

The transaction hash of the forwarder contract deployment.

address String!

The forwarder address.

caip10 String!

The CAIP-10 Account URI of the deployer forwarder contract.

forwarderId ID!

The forwarder ID.


The result of the version 2 flush wallet deposit address mutation operation.



jobId String

  The unique ID of the job that was created to flush the wallet deposit address.
  If the job was not created, the job ID will be null.
  In the future, you can use this ID to track the state of the flush operation. 


A Gas Tank is a hot wallet that is used to fund the execution of transactions (i.e. pays for network fees) on the blockchain, including:

  • Creating wallets
  • Executing smart contract wallet transactions
  • Funding other automations for speed and user experience

Since the hot wallet is controlled by a single key that is managed by Levain, it's advisable to keep only a minimal operational balance in it at all times.



orgId ID

The ID of the OrganizationNetwork on which the gas tank has been deployed.

organizationNetworkId ID

The ID of the OrganizationNetwork that the gas tank is confined to operate on. This is only set for single-chain gas tanks.


Gas tanks are no longer confined to a single chain, and this can be null for newer gas tanks. Use orgId instead to identify which org the gas tank belongs to. Will be removed soon.

gasTankId ID!

The system-generated unique ID of the gas tank.

address String!

The address of the gas tank on the blockchain.

Arguments for address

input (GasTankAddressInput!)

The different ways to format a gas tank address. Defaults to formatting address in an EVM format.

createdAt DateTime!

The creation date of the gas tank in ISO 8601 format.

isPrimary Boolean!

The flag indicating whether the gas tank is the primary one for the organization.

gasTankKey GasTankKey!

Retrieve details of the key associated with the gas tank.

balanceNative Balance

Retrieve the native crypto balance of the gas tank for a specified network.

Arguments for balanceNative

network (String!)

createEvmGasTank String!

Retrieve details of the key associated with the gas tank.


A gas tank key.



gasTankId ID!

The system-generated unique ID of the gas tank.

keyId ID!

The system-generated unique ID of the key associated with the gas tank.

key Key!

The details of the Gas Tank's underlying Key




keyId ID!

The system-generated unique ID of the key.

orgId ID!

The unique 12-digit identifier of an organization.

createdById ID!

The system-generated unique ID of the organization member who created the key.

type KeyType!

The type of key. Refer to KeyType

publicKey String!

Public key of an asymmetrical key pair.

name String

The human-readable name of the key.

consumed Boolean!

Whether the key has been used for a particular reason. For example, if the key has been used as a signatory for a wallet, or used to encrypt a wallet password.

createdAt DateTime!

The datetime the key was created.

updatedAt DateTime!

The datetime the key was last updated.

createdBy OrganizationMember!

The organization member who created the key.

keyType WalletKeyType

The type of wallet key. Refer to WalletKeyType

wallets PaginatedWalletKey!

The wallets that the key is a signatory of.

Arguments for wallets

first (Int)

The number of items to return per page.

after (String)

The forward cursor to start returning items from. |->|->|->

before (String)

The backward cursor to start returning items from. <-|<-|<-|




node Key!

The item at the end of the edge in the connection.

cursor String!

A cursor for use in pagination.


A blockchain network.



networkId ID!

A system-generated unique ID of the network.

protocolName String!

The name of the protocol (e.g. Ethereum).

protocolType ProtocolType!

The type of the protocol (e.g. EVM).

networkName String!

The name of the network.

networkFamily NetworkFamily!

The family of the network (Main or Test).

cryptoSymbol String!

The symbol of the native cryptocurrency.

cryptoName String!

The name of the native cryptocurrency.

identifier String!

The chain-agnostic CAIP-2 identifier of the network. E.g. caip2:eip155:1 for Ethereum mainnet.

minConfirmations Int

The minimum number of block confirmations required for a transaction to be considered confirmed.

available Boolean!

Whether the network is available for use.

createdAt DateTime!

The date and time when the network was created.

deletedAt DateTime

The timestamp of when the network was soft-deleted. Will be null if the network has not been soft-deleted, or if it has been recovered.

assets PaginatedNetworkAsset!

Retrieves a paginated list of assets supported by the network.

Arguments for assets

first (Int)

The number of items to return per page.

after (String)

The forward cursor to start returning items from. |->|->|->

before (String)

The backward cursor to start returning items from. <-|<-|<-|

nativeAsset NetworkAsset!

Retrieves the native asset of the network.

walletCreationCost Balance

The cost of creating a wallet of a specific type on the network. If null, the cost is unknown.

Arguments for walletCreationCost

type (WalletType!)

The type of wallet to create.


A network asset is a cryptocurrency or token of a blockchain network stored in Levain's database.



networkAssetId ID!

The system-generated unique ID of the network asset.

networkId ID!

The system-generated unique ID of the network.

name String!

The name of the network asset.

symbol String!

The asset or token symbol of the network asset (e.g. ETH, USDT).

decimals Int!

The number of decimals for the network asset.

identifier String!

The unique identifier of the token, formatted as a CAIP-19 compliant chain-agnostic URI.

isNative Boolean!

Indicates if the asset is the primary cryptocurrency or token originally created for and by the blockchain network.

price NetworkAssetPrice

The current cached price of the network asset. Cache refreshes every minute.




node NetworkAsset!

The item at the end of the edge in the connection.

cursor String!

A cursor for use in pagination.


The price details of a network asset in USD.



networkAssetId ID!

The system-generated unique ID of the network asset.

priceUsd String!

The price of the network asset in USD.

priceChangePercentage24h String!

Price change in percentage over the last 24 hours.

createdAt DateTime!

The database record creation timestamp.

updatedAt DateTime!

The database record update timestamp.




node Network!

The item at the end of the edge in the connection.

cursor String!

A cursor for use in pagination.




orgId ID!

A system-generated 12-digit number that is unique to the organization.

name String!

The name of the organization.

countryOfIncorporation String

The country of incorporation of the organization.

businessType String

The business type of the organization.

createdAt DateTime!

The date the organization was created.

updatedAt DateTime!

The date the organization was last updated.

members PaginatedOrganizationMember!

Lists all the members of an organization.

Arguments for members

first (Int)

The number of items to return per page.

after (String)

The forward cursor to start returning items from. |->|->|->

before (String)

The backward cursor to start returning items from. <-|<-|<-|

status (OrganizationMemberStatus)

Optionally filter by status of the member in the organization.

member OrganizationMember

Retrieve information about a member of the organization.

Arguments for member

memberId (ID!)

The system-generated unique ID of the organization member.

viewer OrganizationMember!

Retrieve organization membership details of the authenticated user.

networks PaginatedOrganizationNetwork!

Lists all the networks enabled for the organization.

Arguments for networks

first (Int)

The number of items to return per page.

after (String)

The forward cursor to start returning items from. |->|->|->

before (String)

The backward cursor to start returning items from. <-|<-|<-|

network OrganizationNetwork

Retrieve information about the network the organization has access to.

Arguments for network

networkId (ID!)

The system-generated unique ID of the network.

gasTank GasTank

Get gas tank information associated with the Organization

wallets PaginatedWallet!

Lists the wallets that an organization member has access to.

Arguments for wallets

first (Int)

The number of items to return per page.

after (String)

The forward cursor to start returning items from. |->|->|->

before (String)

The backward cursor to start returning items from. <-|<-|<-|

wallet Wallet!

Retrieve information about a wallet.

Arguments for wallet

walletId (ID!)

The system-generated unique ID of the wallet.

invitations PaginatedOrganizationInvitation!

Lists all the active invitations to join an organization.

Arguments for invitations

first (Int)

The number of items to return per page.

after (String)

The forward cursor to start returning items from. |->|->|->

before (String)

The backward cursor to start returning items from. <-|<-|<-|

isActive (Boolean)

If true, returns invitations that are currently active only.

statuses ([OrganizationInvitationStatus!])

If provided, returns invitations that match the provided statuses.

invitation OrganizationInvitation

Retrieve details about an organization invite.

Arguments for invitation

invitationId (ID!)

The system-generated unique ID of the organization invitation.

plan OrganizationPlan

Get the plan of the organization. Only owners and admins can fetch the plan.

key Key!

Retrieve information about a key in an organization.

Arguments for key

keyId (ID!)

The system-generated unique ID of the key.

keys PaginatedKey!

List all the keys in an organization.

Arguments for keys

first (Int)

The number of items to return per page.

after (String)

The forward cursor to start returning items from. |->|->|->

before (String)

The backward cursor to start returning items from. <-|<-|<-|

webhooks PaginatedOrganizationWebhook!

Lists all the webhooks of an organization.

Arguments for webhooks

first (Int)

The number of items to return per page.

after (String)

The forward cursor to start returning items from. |->|->|->

before (String)

The backward cursor to start returning items from. <-|<-|<-|

webhook OrganizationWebhook

Retrieve details of an organization webhook.

Arguments for webhook

webhookId (ID!)

The system-generated unique ID of the webhook.

webhookSignatureKeys PaginatedOrganizationWebhookSignatureKey!

Lists all the webhook signature keys of an organization.

Arguments for webhookSignatureKeys

first (Int)

The number of items to return per page.

after (String)

The forward cursor to start returning items from. |->|->|->

before (String)

The backward cursor to start returning items from. <-|<-|<-|

webhookSignatureKey OrganizationWebhookSignatureKey

Retrieve details of an organization webhook signature key.

Arguments for webhookSignatureKey

webhookSignatureKeyId (ID!)

The system-generated unique ID of the webhook signature key.

webhookSupportedNetworks PaginatedOrganizationNetwork!

List all supported networks for webhook service in your organization.

Arguments for webhookSupportedNetworks

first (Int)

The number of items to return per page.

after (String)

The forward cursor to start returning items from. |->|->|->

before (String)

The backward cursor to start returning items from. <-|<-|<-|

walletTransactionRequests PaginatedOrganizationTransactionRequest!

List all wallet transaction requests for wallets in an organization that the user has approver access to.

Arguments for walletTransactionRequests

first (Int)

The number of items to return per page.

after (String)

The forward cursor to start returning items from. |->|->|->

before (String)

The backward cursor to start returning items from. <-|<-|<-|

status (TransactionRequestStatus)

Returns transaction requests for a given status. If not provided, all transaction requests will be returned.




cursor String!

A cursor for use in pagination.

node Organization!

The item at the end of the edge in the connection.




invitationId ID!

The system-generated unique ID of the organization invitation.

orgId ID!

A unique 12-digit identifier of an organization.

role OrganizationMemberRole!

The role of the member in the organization.

email String!

The email address of the invited user.

status OrganizationInvitationStatus!

The status of the organization invitation.

expiry DateTime!

The datetime that the organization invitation expires.

isActive Boolean!

Indicates whether the organization invitation is currently active.

createdAt DateTime!

The datetime that the organization invitation was created.

organization Organization!

Retrieve details of the organization.




node OrganizationInvitation!

The item at the end of the edge in the connection.

cursor String!

A cursor for use in pagination.


A member of an organization.



memberId ID!

The system-generated unique ID of the organization member.

userId ID!

The system-generated unique ID of the user.

orgId ID!

A unique 12-digit identifier of an organization.

role OrganizationMemberRole!

The role of the member in the organization.

status OrganizationMemberStatus!

The status of a member of an organization.

createdAt DateTime!

The datetime the organization member was created.

updatedAt DateTime!

The datetime the organization member was last updated.

user User!

Retrieve user details of the organization member.

wallets PaginatedWallet!

Lists the wallets that an organization member has access to. You must be an ADMIN or the same viewer to query this field. You can also use organization(orgId: '').wallets query to view wallets you (the current viewer) have access to instead.

Arguments for wallets

first (Int)

The number of items to return per page.

after (String)

The forward cursor to start returning items from. |->|->|->

before (String)

The backward cursor to start returning items from. <-|<-|<-|

walletAccesses PaginatedWalletAccess!

Lists the wallets accesses of an organization member. You must be an ADMIN or the same viewer to query this field. You can also use organization(orgId: '').wallets query to view wallets you (the current viewer) have access to instead.

Arguments for walletAccesses

first (Int)

The number of items to return per page.

after (String)

The forward cursor to start returning items from. |->|->|->

before (String)

The backward cursor to start returning items from. <-|<-|<-|




node OrganizationMember!

The item at the end of the edge in the connection.

cursor String!

A cursor for use in pagination.




organizationNetworkId ID!

The system-generated unique ID of an organization network.

orgId ID!

A unique 12-digit identifier of an organization.

networkId ID!

The system-generated unique ID of the network.

deletedAt DateTime

The timestamp of when the OrganizationNetwork was soft-deleted. Will be null if the OrganizationNetwork has not been soft-deleted, or if it has been restored.

network Network!

Retrieve information about a network.

gasTank GasTank

Retrieve information of the Gas Tank that is confined to operate on the specified Network. For modern wallets, the Gas Tank is not confined to a single Network.


Gas tanks are no longer confined to a single chain. Use the org-level gas tank instead.




node OrganizationNetwork!

The item at the end of the edge in the connection.

cursor String!

A cursor for use in pagination.




planId ID!

The system-generated unique ID of the organization plan.

orgId ID!

The unique 12-digit identifier of an organization.

type OrganizationPlanType!

startAt DateTime!

The datetime of the organization plan starts.

endAt DateTime!

The datetime of the organization plan ends.

isActive Boolean!

Indicates whether the organization plan is currently active.

createdAt DateTime!

The datetime the organization plan was created.

updatedAt DateTime!

The datetime the organization plan was last updated.




node TransactionRequest!

The item at the end of the edge in the connection.

cursor String!

A cursor for use in pagination.




webhookId ID!

The system-generated unique ID of the webhook.

lwsClientWebhookId ID!

The unique ID of the LWS client webhook

orgId ID!

The unique 12-digit identifier of an organization.

createdById ID!

The system-generated unique ID of the organization member who created the webhook.

webhookUrl String!

The URL of the clients webhook endpoint.

subscribedNetworks [String!]!

The CAIP2URI of networks which the webhook is subscribed to.

status String!

The status of the client webhook.

createdAt DateTime!

The datetime the key was created.

updatedAt DateTime!

The datetime the key was last updated.

createdBy OrganizationMember!

The organization member who created the webhook.




node OrganizationWebhook!

The item at the end of the edge in the connection.

cursor String!

A cursor for use in pagination.




webhookSignatureKeyId ID!

The system-generated unique ID of the webhook signature key.

orgId ID!

The unique 12-digit identifier of an organization.

createdById ID!

The system-generated unique ID of the organization member who created the webhook signature key.

createdAt DateTime!

The datetime the key was created.

updatedAt DateTime!

The datetime the key was last updated.

createdBy OrganizationMember!

The organization member who created the webhook signature key.




node OrganizationWebhookSignatureKey!

The item at the end of the edge in the connection.

cursor String!

A cursor for use in pagination.


Information about pagination in a connection.



endCursor String

When paginating forwards, the cursor to continue. after=endCursor

hasNextPage Boolean!

When paginating forwards, indicates if there is a next page.

startCursor String

When paginating backwards, the cursor to continue. before=startCursor

hasPreviousPage Boolean!

When paginating backwards, indicates if there is a next page.




totalCount Int!

Identifies the total count of items in the connection.

edges [KeyEdge!]!

A list of edges.

pageInfo PageInfo!

Information to aid in pagination.


Paginated list of networks.



totalCount Int!

Identifies the total count of items in the connection.

edges [NetworkEdge!]!

A list of edges.

pageInfo PageInfo!

Information to aid in pagination.




totalCount Int!

Identifies the total count of items in the connection.

edges [NetworkAssetEdge!]!

A list of edges.

pageInfo PageInfo!

Information to aid in pagination.




totalCount Int!

Identifies the total count of items in the connection.

edges [OrganizationEdge!]!

A list of edges.

pageInfo PageInfo!

Information to aid in pagination.




totalCount Int!

Identifies the total count of items in the connection.

edges [OrganizationInvitationEdge!]!

A list of edges.

pageInfo PageInfo!

Information to aid in pagination.




totalCount Int!

Identifies the total count of items in the connection.

edges [OrganizationMemberEdge!]!

A list of edges.

pageInfo PageInfo!

Information to aid in pagination.




totalCount Int!

Identifies the total count of items in the connection.

edges [OrganizationNetworkEdge!]!

A list of edges.

pageInfo PageInfo!

Information to aid in pagination.




totalCount Int!

Identifies the total count of items in the connection.

edges [OrganizationTransactionRequestEdge!]!

A list of edges.

pageInfo PageInfo!

Information to aid in pagination.




totalCount Int!

Identifies the total count of items in the connection.

edges [OrganizationWebhookEdge!]!

A list of edges.

pageInfo PageInfo!

Information to aid in pagination.




totalCount Int!

Identifies the total count of items in the connection.

edges [OrganizationWebhookSignatureKeyEdge!]!

A list of edges.

pageInfo PageInfo!

Information to aid in pagination.




totalCount Int!

Identifies the total count of items in the connection.

edges [TransactionRequestEdge!]!

A list of edges.

pageInfo PageInfo!

Information to aid in pagination.


The paginated transaction request approval.



totalCount Int!

Identifies the total count of items in the connection.

edges [TransactionRequestApprovalEdge!]!

A list of edges.

pageInfo PageInfo!

Information to aid in pagination.


A paginated list of user preferences.



totalCount Int!

Identifies the total count of items in the connection.

edges [UserPreferenceEdge!]!

A list of edges.

pageInfo PageInfo!

Information to aid in pagination.




totalCount Int!

Identifies the total count of items in the connection.

edges [WalletEdge!]!

A list of edges.

pageInfo PageInfo!

Information to aid in pagination.




totalCount Int!

Identifies the total count of items in the connection.

edges [WalletAccessEdge!]!

A list of edges.

pageInfo PageInfo!

Information to aid in pagination.




totalCount Int!

Identifies the total count of items in the connection.

edges [WalletDepositAddressEdge!]!

A list of edges.

pageInfo PageInfo!

Information to aid in pagination.




totalCount Int!

Identifies the total count of items in the connection.

edges [WalletFinalApproverEdge!]!

A list of edges.

pageInfo PageInfo!

Information to aid in pagination.




totalCount Int!

Identifies the total count of items in the connection.

edges [WalletKeyEdge!]!

A list of edges.

pageInfo PageInfo!

Information to aid in pagination.




totalCount Int!

Identifies the total count of items in the connection.

edges [WalletPolicyWhitelistEdge!]!

A list of edges.

pageInfo PageInfo!

Information to aid in pagination.


Paginated list of yield products



totalCount Int!

Identifies the total count of items in the connection.

edges [YieldProductEdge!]!

A list of edges.

pageInfo PageInfo!

Information to aid in pagination.


Holds information related to the encrypted wallet key password.



walletAccessId ID

The system-generated unique ID of the wallet key password.

walletKeyPasswordId ID!

The system-generated unique ID of the wallet key password.

walletKeyId ID!

The system-generated unique ID of the associated wallet key.

cipherBlob CipherBlobObject!

The encrypted private key of the wallet. The private key is encrypted using a password generated on the client-side. Therefore, Levain will never have access to the raw private key.


Use encryptedPrivateKey instead.

encryptedPrivateKey JSON!

The encrypted private key of the wallet. The private key is encrypted using a password generated on the client-side. Therefore, Levain will never have access to the raw private key.

passwordRecoveryKeyId ID

Unique identifier for the password recovery key. Can be null if no recovery key is set.

status WalletKeyPasswordStatus!

The status of the wallet key password.

recoveryKeyPrivateKey String

Required for wallet password recovery. This resolver retrieves the asymmetric private key and is used to decrypt the encrypted wallet password found on the Key Card.


The whitelist policy.



policyId ID!

The system-generated unique ID of the whitelist policy.

address String!

The blockchain address to be whitelisted.

walletId ID!

The system-generated unique ID of the wallet.

label String!

The label of the policy whitelist.

createdAt DateTime!

The datetime the whitelist policy was created.

updatedAt DateTime!

The datetime the whitelist policy was last updated.




caip19Uri String!

rate String!


Error response.



code String

The error code.

name String

The error name.

message String

The error message.


The result of requesting owner signatures.



signatureRequestId ID!

The system-generated unique ID of the signature request.

walletId ID!

The system-generated unique ID of the wallet.

createdAt DateTime!

The date and time the signature request was created.

digest String!

The digest.


The result of resolving an EIP1271 signature.



signatureRequestId ID!

The system-generated unique ID of the signature request.

walletId ID!

The system-generated unique ID of the wallet.

state String!

The state of the signature request.

createdAt DateTime!

The date and time the signature request was created.

digest String!

The digest.

signature String!

The signature.


Optional metadata.



logoUrl String

URL to the token logo, if available.


Token balance response. Includes price data.



items [TokenBalanceWithPrice!]!

The token balances.

error ReportingError

Error response, if any.


Token balance with price data.



balanceBase String!

The balance of the token in the smallest denomination of the respective token. Also known as balance in Base Units.

decimals Float!

The number of decimal places of the token. To obtain the logical amount of the token, divide the smallest denomination (balance in Base Units) by 10 raised to the power of decimals. For instance, if the balance is 1,000,000 and decimals is 6, the Token Value or Logical Balance is calculated as 1,000,000 / (10^6) = 1.0.

caip19Id String!

The unique identifier of the token, formatted as a CAIP-19 compliant chain-agnostic URI.

contractAddress String

The token contract address. Will be null for assets that have no contract address.

name String

The human-readable name of the token.

symbol String

The abbreviated representation of the token (e.g. ETH, USDT).

metadata TokenBalanceMetadata

Optional metadata.

currency String

The fiat currency representation (e.g. USD).

price Float

The fiat currency price of the token.

percentChange AssetPricePercentChange

Price change in percentage.


Tokenomics metadata of the yield product.



supplyRate String!

totalSupply String!

subscribePrices [Prices!]!

redeemPrices [Prices!]!


Token transfer information of a transaction.



from String!

The blockchain address from which the token transfer originated.

to String!

The blockchain address targeted by the token transfer.

amount String!

The value of the token transfer expressed in the smallest denomination of the respective token. Also known as amount in Base Units.

tokenAddress String

The blockchain address of the token contract.

tokenSymbol String

The abbreviated representation of the token (e.g. ETH, USDT). This is optional as some tokens might not have a defined symbol.

tokenDecimals Int

The number of decimal places of the token. To obtain the logical amount of the token, divide the smallest denomination (amount in Base Units) by 10 raised to the power of decimals. For example, if an amount is 1,000,000 and decimals is 6, the Token Value or Logical Amount is calculated as 1,000,000 / (10^6) = 1.0.


A transaction on the blockchain.



hash String!

The unique hash identifier of the transaction on the blockchain.

timestamp String

The timestamp of when the transaction was mined.

blockHeight Int

The block height of when the transaction was mined.

type TransactionType!

Specifies the kind of activity performed in a transaction.

from String!

The blockchain address from which the transaction originated.

to String!

The blockchain address targeted by the transaction.

amount String!

The value of the transaction expressed in the smallest denomination of the respective token. Also known as amount in Base Units.

decimals Int!

The number of decimal places of the token. To obtain the logical amount of the token, divide the smallest denomination (amount in Base Units) by 10 raised to the power of decimals. For instance, if an amount is 1,000,000 and decimals is 6, the Token Value / Logical Amount is calculated as 1,000,000 / (10^6) = 1.0.

symbol String!

The abbreviated representation of the token (e.g. ETH, USDT).

status TransactionStatus!

The status of transaction.

gasPrice String

The cost per unit of gas, indicating how much the sender is willing to pay for each unit of work. Typically denominated in wei for EVM-based chains.


We no longer use gasFee, use networkFee instead.

gasUsed String

The total amount of gas units consumed by the transaction. It represents the computational work required for the transaction or contract execution.


We no longer use gasUsed, use networkFeeUsed instead.

networkFee String!

The network cost, indicating how much the sender is willing to pay for each unit of work. Typically denominated in wei for EVM-based chains.

networkFeeUsed String!

The total fee consumed by the transaction. It represents the computational work required for the transaction or contract execution.

tokenTransferData [TokenTransferInfo!]!

An array of one or multiple token transfer information of the transaction.

transactionRequest TransactionRequest

The transaction request associated with this transaction.


A wallet-agnostic interpretation of a given Transaction Request. This object aims to provide a common interface for representing the data of a given Transaction Request, for the client's convenience.



requestId String!

The request ID that is summarized

type String!

The transaction intention

from String!

Source of the involved fund if applicable

to String!

Destination of involved fund if applicable

amount String!

Involved fund amount

data String

Contract call data

assetCaip19 String

The identifier of the asset associated with the transaction.

asset NetworkAsset

The Asset associated with the transaction.

toDetails AddressDetails


List of transactions.



rows [WalletTransaction!]!

The list of transactions.

limit Float

Limit of rows of current query.

cursor String

Cursor value to query for next page. This value will be null after the last page, when rows is empty.

errorCode String

The error code, if any.

errorMessage String

The error message, if any.


Details of a transaction request.



requestId ID!

The system-generated unique ID of the transaction request.

clientRequestId ID

The client-specified unique ID of the transaction request, if provided at request time.

walletId ID!

The system-generated unique ID of the wallet initiating the request.

networkAssetId ID

The system-generated unique ID of the NetworkAsset associated with the transaction request, or null if not associated with a specific asset.

initiatorMemberId ID!

The system-generated unique ID of the member initiating the transaction.

status TransactionRequestStatus!

Current status of the transaction request.

transactionHash String

The blockchain hash of the processed transaction.

transactionData JSON

The raw transaction data to be processed on chain. The value is null if the actual data has not been generated yet (from the intent).

transactionSigned String

The signed version of the transaction data.

transactionSignature String

Signature of the transaction request.

remarks String

Remarks of the transaction request.

createdAt DateTime!

The timestamp of when the transaction request was created.

updatedAt DateTime!

The timestamp of the last update to the transaction request.

wallet Wallet!

The wallet that this transaction request belongs to.

summaryEvm TransactionRequestDataSummaryEvm!

The summary of the transaction request data (for EVM).


Use summary instead.

summary TransactionIntentSummary!

The summary of the transaction request data.

digests [Digest!]!

The digests of the transaction request.

Arguments for digests

withHexPrefix (Boolean!)

If true, it will prefix the digest with 0x. If false (default), it will just return the digest as is.

asset NetworkAsset

The asset / token associated with the transaction request.

estimateFees Float

Perform gas estimation for a transaction request.

approvals PaginatedTransactionRequestApproval!

The detailed approvals of the transaction request.

Arguments for approvals

first (Int)

The number of items to return per page.

after (String)

The forward cursor to start returning items from. |->|->|->

before (String)

The backward cursor to start returning items from. <-|<-|<-|

signature TransactionRequestSignature

Retrieve the cryptographic signature for the transaction request. This signature from the final approver confirms consent to broadcast the transaction to the network.


Replaced with signatures

initiator OrganizationMember!

The member who initiated the transaction request.

warnings [TransactionRequestWarning!]!

An array of warnings for the given transaction request. A warning contains details describing a potential issue with the transaction request when it is executed on-chain. For example, the account nonce is out-dated, or the balance of the wallet is insufficient for performing a transfer.


The transaction request approval.



walletTransactionRequestId ID!

The system-generated unique ID of the transaction request approval.

approverId ID!

The system-generated unique ID of the approver.

actionType ApprovalActionType!

The type of approval action.

createdAt DateTime!

The date and time when the transaction request approval was created.

updatedAt DateTime!

The date and time when the transaction request approval was last updated.

actor OrganizationMember!

The approver of the transaction request.




node TransactionRequestApproval!

The item at the end of the edge in the connection.

cursor String!

A cursor for use in pagination.


A wallet-agnostic interpretation of a given Transaction Request on EVM blockchains. This object aims to provide a common interface for representing the data of a given Transaction Request, for the client's convenience. A good use-case for this object is for "list" operations.



to String!

The address of the recipient of the transaction.

data String!

The (smart contract call) data of the transaction.

value String!

The value to be transferred to the recipient of the transaction.




node TransactionRequest!

The item at the end of the edge in the connection.

cursor String!

A cursor for use in pagination.


A signature request.



walletTransactionRequestId ID!

The system-generated unique ID of the transaction request.

signerId ID!

The system-generated unique ID of the signer.

actionType SignatureActionType!

The type of signature action.

createdAt DateTime!

The date and time the signature request was created.

signer WalletAccess!

The wallet access that signed the transaction request.


An object describing a potential issue with the transaction request.



type TransactionRequestWarningType!

A short phrase summarizing the warning.

description String!

The description of the warning.

willFail Boolean

Whether the transaction request will fail on-chain if executed. If null, it is unknown if it will fail.


A user.



userId ID!

The unique identifier provided by the authentication service.

email String!

User's email address.

firstName String!

User's first name.

lastName String!

User's last name.

marketingOptIn Boolean

User's marketing opt-in.

productUpdatesOptIn Boolean

User's product updates opt-in.

organizations PaginatedOrganization!

Fetches a paginated list of organizations the user is a member of.

Arguments for organizations

first (Int)

The number of items to return per page.

after (String)

The forward cursor to start returning items from. |->|->|->

before (String)

The backward cursor to start returning items from. <-|<-|<-|

preference UserPreference

Get a user preference by key. Only the viewer can fetch its own preferences.

Arguments for preference

key (String!)

Key of the user preference to fetch.

preferences PaginatedUserPreference!

Fetches a paginated list of user preferences. Only the viewer can fetch its own preferences.

Arguments for preferences

first (Int)

The number of items to return per page.

after (String)

The forward cursor to start returning items from. |->|->|->

before (String)

The backward cursor to start returning items from. <-|<-|<-|


A user preference.



preferenceId ID!

The system-generated unique ID of the user preference.

key String!

The key of the preference. A user can have only one preference per key.

value String!

The value of the preference.

createdAt DateTime!

The datetime the preference was created.

updatedAt DateTime!

The datetime the preference was last updated.




node UserPreference!

The item at the end of the edge in the connection.

cursor String!

A cursor for use in pagination.


A 2-of-3 multi-sig wallet.



organizationNetworkId ID!

The ID of the OrganizationNetwork on which the wallet was created.

walletId ID!

The system-generated unique ID of the wallet.

type WalletType!

The wallet's type.

name String!

The human-readable name of the wallet.

description String

A description of the wallet.

mainAddress String!

The wallet's on-chain address.

caip10 ID!

The CAIP-10 identifier of the wallet.

status OrganizationNetworkWalletStatus!

The status of the wallet, indicating whether or not it is ready for use.

txHash String

The hash of the wallet contract deployment transaction.

orgId ID!

A unique 12-digit identifier of an organization.

gasTankId ID

(EVM chains only) The ID of the associated gas tank that will execute transactions for the wallet.

deletedAt DateTime

The timestamp of when the wallet was soft-deleted. Will be null if the wallet has not been soft-deleted, or if it has been recovered.

caip2 ID!

CAIP-2 identifier of the network the wallet belongs to.

transactions TransactionListResult!

List all the transactions for the given wallet.

Arguments for transactions

page (Int)

The requested page number. Defaults to 1.

limit (Int)

  Limit a rows to be queried.
  Optional value, default value will be used when required and not specified.
  Value could be omitted when pagination is not supported.

cursor (String)

Previous page query response cursor value.

organizationNetwork OrganizationNetwork!

Retrieve information about the OrganizationNetwork the wallet belongs to.

accesses PaginatedWalletAccess!

List all the WalletAccess entries for the given wallet.

Arguments for accesses

first (Int)

The number of items to return per page.

after (String)

The forward cursor to start returning items from. |->|->|->

before (String)

The backward cursor to start returning items from. <-|<-|<-|

viewerAccess WalletAccess

Get the WalletAccess entry for the current viewer.

approvers PaginatedWalletAccess!

List all the approvers of the given wallet.

Arguments for approvers

first (Int)

The number of items to return per page.

after (String)

The forward cursor to start returning items from. |->|->|->

before (String)

The backward cursor to start returning items from. <-|<-|<-|

signingKey WalletKey!

The details of the signing key for the wallet.

walletKey WalletKey!

Get the details of a Key that is a signatory of the given wallet.

Arguments for walletKey

keyId (ID!)

The system-generated unique ID of the key.

transactionRequest TransactionRequest

Get the details of a transaction request for the given wallet.

Arguments for transactionRequest

requestId (ID)

The system-generated unique ID of the transaction request.

clientRequestId (ID)

The client-specified unique ID of the transaction request.

transactionRequests PaginatedTransactionRequest!

List all the transaction requests for the given wallet.

Arguments for transactionRequests

first (Int)

The number of items to return per page.

after (String)

The forward cursor to start returning items from. |->|->|->

before (String)

The backward cursor to start returning items from. <-|<-|<-|

startDate (Float)

Returns transaction requests after a certain date. It is a UNIX number-based date (in milliseconds) that defaults to 0.

endDate (Float)

Returns transaction requests before a certain date. It is a UNIX number-based date (in milliseconds) that defaults to 99999999999999.

status (TransactionRequestStatus)

Returns transaction requests for a given status. If not provided, all transaction requests will be returned.

balances TokenBalanceResponse!

List the asset balances of the wallet.

policy WalletPolicy!

Get the policy of the wallet.

walletKeys [WalletKey!]!

Get the wallet keys for the given wallet.

deployment ContractDeploymentInfo

Get the deployment status of the wallet.

Arguments for deployment

filterActiveWallet (Boolean)

If true, returns the deployment status for inactive wallets only.

transaction Transaction!

Get the details of a single transaction for the parent wallet.

Arguments for transaction

transactionHash (String!)

The blockchain hash of the transaction.

depositAddresses PaginatedWalletDepositAddress!

The list of deposit addresses for the wallet.

Arguments for depositAddresses

first (Int)

The number of items to return per page.

after (String)

The forward cursor to start returning items from. |->|->|->

before (String)

The backward cursor to start returning items from. <-|<-|<-|

depositAddress WalletDepositAddress!

Retrieve the details of a deposit address.

Arguments for depositAddress

walletDepositAddressId (ID!)

The system-generated unique ID of the created deposit address.

mainAddressDetail AddressDetail!

Retrieve the detail of a main address.

buildTransaction JSON!

Build a transaction for the given wallet.

Arguments for buildTransaction

input (BuildTransactionInput!)

Parameters required to build a transaction.

gasTank GasTank

(EVM chains only) Retrieve the details of the associated gas tank for the given wallet.

requiresGasTankExecution Boolean!

Indicates whether the wallet requires the organization gas tank to execute transactions. For EVM chains, this is always true, given that the organization gas tank acts as a co-signer and pay-master for the contract-based wallet. For Tron, this is true since the gas tank can activate deposit addresses on chain.For UTXO chains, this is false, given that the wallet pays for its own transactions.

organization Organization!

Retrieve information about the organization that the wallet belongs to.


Describes an organization member's access to an organization wallet.



walletId ID!

The system-generated unique ID of the wallet.

walletAccessId ID!

The system-generated unique ID of the organization member's wallet access.

memberId ID!

The system-generated unique ID of the organization member.

role WalletMemberRole!

The wallet role of the organization member.

createdAt DateTime!

The datetime the organization member's wallet access was created.

updatedAt DateTime!

The datetime the organization member's wallet access was last updated.

wallet Wallet!

The wallet the member has access to.

organizationMember OrganizationMember!

Details of an organization member.




node WalletAccess!

The item at the end of the edge in the connection.

cursor String!

A cursor for use in pagination.


The fields of a wallet deposit address.



walletDepositAddressId ID!

The system-generated unique ID of the created deposit address.

walletId ID!

The system-generated unique ID of the wallet.

label String!

The label of the deposit address.

address String!

The deposit address for the wallet.

createdAt DateTime!

The created datetime for the deposit address.

status WalletDepositAddressStatus!

The status of the deposit address.

updatedAt DateTime!

The datetime the deposit address was last updated.

transaction Transaction!

Get the details of a single transaction for a deposit address.

Arguments for transaction

transactionHash (String!)

The blockchain hash of the transaction.

transactions TransactionListResult!

List all the transactions for the given deposit address.

Arguments for transactions

page (Int)

The requested page number. Defaults to 1.

limit (Int)

  Limit a rows to be queried.
  Optional value, default value will be used when required and not specified.
  Value could be omitted when pagination is not supported.

cursor (String)

Previous page query response cursor value.

balances TokenBalanceResponse!

List the asset balances of the deposit address.




node WalletDepositAddress!

The item at the end of the edge in the connection.

cursor String!

A cursor for use in pagination.




node Wallet!

The item at the end of the edge in the connection.

cursor String!

A cursor for use in pagination.


The wallet final approver.



finalApproverId ID!

The system-generated unique ID of the wallet's final approver.

walletAccessId ID!

The system-generated unique ID of the organization member's wallet access.

walletSignerStatus WalletSignerStatus!

The status of the wallet signer to indicate if the signer is active or disabled.

createdAt DateTime!

The datetime the wallet's final approver was created.

updatedAt DateTime!

The datetime the wallet's final approver was last updated.

access WalletAccess!

Details of an organization member's access to an organization wallet.




node WalletFinalApprover!

The item at the end of the edge in the connection.

cursor String!

A cursor for use in pagination.




walletKeyId ID!

The system-generated unique ID of the WalletKey entity.

walletId ID!

The system-generated unique ID of the wallet.

keyId ID!

The system-generated unique ID of the key.

type WalletKeyType!

The type of wallet key. Refer to WalletKeyType

createdAt DateTime!

The datetime the key was created.

wallet Wallet

The wallet associated with the given wallet ID.

key Key!

The key associated with the given key ID.

viewerPassword Password

The encrypted private key associated with the viewer. If not found, the first wallet key password is returned.

password Password

Returns the primary password associated with the wallet key.




node WalletKey!

The item at the end of the edge in the connection.

cursor String!

A cursor for use in pagination.


The wallet policy.



policyId ID!

The system-generated unique ID of the wallet policy.

walletId ID!

The system-generated unique ID of the wallet.

approvalThreshold Int!

Minimum number of approvals required to approve a transaction.

createdAt DateTime!

The datetime the wallet policy was created.

updatedAt DateTime!

The datetime the wallet policy was last updated.

whitelist PolicyWhitelist!

Details of the whitelist policies of a wallet.

Arguments for whitelist

address (String!)

The whitelisted wallet address to be from the wallet policy

whitelists PaginatedWalletPolicyWhitelist!

Details of the whitelist policies of a wallet.

Arguments for whitelists

first (Int)

The number of items to return per page.

after (String)

The forward cursor to start returning items from. |->|->|->

before (String)

The backward cursor to start returning items from. <-|<-|<-|

finalApprovers PaginatedWalletFinalApprover!

Details of the final approvers of a wallet.

Arguments for finalApprovers

first (Int)

The number of items to return per page.

after (String)

The forward cursor to start returning items from. |->|->|->

before (String)

The backward cursor to start returning items from. <-|<-|<-|




node PolicyWhitelist!

The item at the end of the edge in the connection.

cursor String!

A cursor for use in pagination.


A transaction on the wallet.



hash String!

The hash of the transaction.

type TransactionType!

The type of transaction.

timestamp String!

The timestamp of the transaction.

from String!

The initator of the transaction.

to String!

The recipient of the transaction.

amount String!

The amount of the transaction in wei / the smallest unit of the network's currency.

status TransactionStatus!

The status of the transaction.

tokenTransfersInfo [TokenTransferInfo!]!

Asset movements incurred by this transaction.


A yield product.



yieldProductId ID!

A system-generated unique ID of the network.

protocolTokenIdentifier String!

The token identifier of the yield protocol token.

name String!

The name of the yield product.

protocolType YieldProtocolType!

The yield protocol of this product.

metadata JSON!

Metadata of the yield product.

createdAt DateTime!

The date and time when the network was created.

deletedAt DateTime

The timestamp of when the network was soft-deleted. Will be null if the network has not been soft-deleted, or if it has been recovered.

protocol YieldProtocol!

Lookup yield product's protocol.

tokenomicsMetadata TokenomicsMetadata!

  Retrieve yield product metadata, eg total supply of the yield bearing token.
  Use with caution when resolve from parent list, the computation may involve ABI retrieval from external source of registry could drastically increase load time.




node YieldProduct!

The item at the end of the edge in the connection.

cursor String!

A cursor for use in pagination.


A yield protocol.



yieldProtocolType YieldProtocolType!

name String!

The name of the yield protocol (e.g. Compound V2).

metadata JSON!

Metadata of the yield protocol.

createdAt DateTime!

The date and time when the network was created.