- Enums
- ProtocolType
- NetworkFamily
- WalletType
- OrganizationMemberRole
- OrganizationInvitationStatus
- OrganizationMemberStatus
- TransactionRequestStatus
- WalletDepositAddressStatus
- TransactionType
- TransactionStatus
- WalletKeyPasswordStatus
- OrganizationNetworkWalletStatus
- NetworkFeeLevel
- OrganizationPlanType
- KeyType
- WalletKeyType
- AddressFormat
- TransactionRequestWarningType
- WalletMemberRole
- WalletSignerStatus
- ApprovalActionType
- DigestState
- SignatureActionType
- YieldProtocolType
The enum
type (also known as enumerations) is a special kind of scalar that is restricted to a particular set of allowed values. This allows you to validate that any arguments of this type are of the allowed values.
The type of the protocol (e.g. EVM, UTXO, etc.).
Name | Description |
| Etheruem Virtual Machine (EVM) |
| Tron Virtual Machine (TVM) |
| Unspent Transaction Output (UTXO) |
The family of the network (Main, Test or Local).
Name | Description |
| Network that is on localhost. |
| Network that is on testnet. |
| Network that is on mainnet. |
The type of wallet.
Name | Description |
| A 2-of-3 multi-sig wallet implemented as an Ethereum smart contract. |
| A Safe smart contract wallet. |
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Organization member role.
Name | Description |
| Owners can manage all settings within the organization account, including organization-level settings, users, API access tokens and wallets that they are assigned to. The first user created on every organization-level account will always be the first owner of that organization. |
| Admins can manage most organization-level settings, users, API access tokens and wallets that they are assigned to. |
| Users have no access unless they are specifically added to wallets. |
Organization invitation status.
Name | Description |
| The organization invite has been sent to the user and is pending their acceptance. |
| The organization invite has been revoked. |
| The user has accepted the organization invite. |
Organization member status to indicate if the member is active or disabled.
Name | Description |
| The organization member is currently active. |
| The organization member has been disabled. |
The status of a wallet transaction request.
Name | Description |
| The transaction request is pending approvals from other wallet approvers. |
| The transaction request has been approved by all wallet approvers. |
| The transaction request is pending signatures from wallet signers. |
| The transaction request has been rejected by one or more wallet approvers. |
| The transaction request has been approved & signed by the signatories, and is ready to be signed by the gas tank for execution on-chain. |
| The transaction has been signed by the gas tank, and is now ready to be executed on chain. |
| The transaction request has been sent to the blockchain. |
| The transaction request has been withdrawn. |
Wallet deposit address status to indicate whether the wallet deposit address is active, deploying or failed.
Name | Description |
| The wallet deposit address is not deployed yet. |
| The wallet deposit address is deploying. |
| The wallet deposit address is active. |
| The wallet deposit address failed to deploy. |
Specifies the kind of activity performed in a transaction.
Name | Description |
| Outbound token transfer. |
| Inbound token transfer. |
| The transaction is a smart contract interaction. A smart contract interaction is a transaction that invokes a smart contract method, which may or may not result in a token transfer (or other methods). For example, a smart contract interaction may be a transaction that invokes a smart contract method to approve a token transfer, which is then followed by a token transfer transaction. |
| The transaction type is unknown. This occurs when the decoded transaction data does contain enough information to determine its objective. |
The status of transaction.
Name | Description |
| The transaction failed due to an error or being rejected by the blockchain network. |
| The transaction is deemed |
| The transaction is marked as |
The status of the wallet key password.
Name | Description |
| The password is pending further encryption. |
| The password is active and can be used to sign transactions. |
The status of the wallet, indicating whether or not it is ready for use. Every newly created Wallet will have a status
until it is activated. Smart contract wallets can only be activated if their deployment transaction has met a sufficient number of confirmations on the network, e.g. 12
on Ethereum mainnet. Wallets can be deactivated and reactivated at any time.
Name | Description |
| The wallet is active and ready for use. |
| The wallet is inactive. |
| The wallet failed to activate. |
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The network fee level for a transaction request. For most chains, the higher the level, the faster the transaction speed.
Name | Description |
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Name | Description |
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The type of Key.
Name | Description |
| Key material stored as a scalar. |
| Key material stored as scalar with private key omitted (aka neutered). |
| Key material stored with private and public key in PEM format. |
| Key material stored as scalar (private key), point (public key), chain code (extra 32 bytes entropy) and a relative BIP32 path. |
The type of WalletKey.
Name | Description |
| The |
| The |
| The |
The different ways to format a gas tank address.
Name | Description |
| Formats the address in hex for the EVM. |
| Formats the address in hex for Tron. |
| Formats the address in base58. Only for Tron. |
A short phrase describing the warning for a given transaction request.
Name | Description |
| The transaction request nonce has expired. |
| The wallet has insufficient funds to execute the transaction request. |
The role of an organization member access to an organization wallet.
Name | Description |
| A wallet approver is able to manage the wallet's approval quorum, whitelist addresses, and initiate and approve transactions. They can also be the final approver for signing of transactions. |
| A wallet initiator can initiate transactions that wallet approvers must first approve. After sufficient approvals have been given, the transaction can be signed and broadcast. A wallet initiator can also view the transaction history of a wallet. |
| A wallet viewer can only view the transaction history of a wallet. |
The status of the wallet signer to indicate if the signer is active or disabled.
Name | Description |
| The wallet signer is currently a signer of the wallet. |
| The wallet signer has been disabled and is no longer a signer of the wallet. |
The type of approval action.
Name | Description |
| Approve the transaction request. |
| Reject the transaction request. |
The state of the digest.
Name | Description |
| Represents a digest awaiting signature. It is the sole state indicating ongoing processing. Digests related to remote private keys not stored in Levain KVS will always initiate in this state. |
| Successful completion of the signing process. |
| Unsuccessful signing process. It was manually cancelled by the user. |
| Unsuccessful signing process. It was cancelled by the system. |
| Unsuccessful signing process. It was cancelled by the system, often because while this specific KeyDigest was not signed, other associated KeyDigests received signatures from a valid key. |
The type of signature action.
Name | Description |
| Approve the transaction request. |
| Reject the transaction request. |
The yield protocol.
Name | Description |
| Compound V2 |
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