Supported Blockchain Networks


Levain currently supports the following blockchain networks and most tokens within the blockchain, and we plan to support more blockchain networks depending on various factors. If you require a blockchain network that is not listed here, please reach out to the Levain Product Team.

About the CAIP-2 standard

Chain Agnostic Improvement Proposals (CAIP) is an initiative aimed at establishing cross-blockchain standards to enhance interoperability and integration across various blockchain platforms.

At Levain, we've adopted the CAIP-2 standard when referencing a specific blockchain network, specifically for our GraphQL queries. Whenever you need to specify a blockchain in these queries, you'll use the CAIP-2 format, ensuring consistent and standardized identification across different chains.

List of supported blockchain networks

Blockchain Name Network Name Native Token Name Native Token Symbol CAIP-2 Identifier Status
Ethereum Mainnet Ether ETH caip2:eip155:1 βœ… Live
Ethereum Sepolia Testnet SepoliaEther ETH caip2:eip155:11155111 βœ… Live
Ethereum Goerli Testnet GoerliEther ETH caip2:eip155:5 🚩 Deprecated
Ethereum Holesky Testnet HoleskyEther ETH caip2:eip155:17000 🚧 In progress
Polygon Mainnet Polygon MATIC caip2:eip155:137 βœ… Live
Polygon Mumbai Testnet Polygon MATIC caip2:eip155:80001 βœ… Live
Polygon Amoy Testnet Polygon MATIC caip2:eip155:80002 🚧 In progress
BNB Chain Mainnet BNB BNB caip2:eip155:56 βœ… Live
BNB Chain Testnet BNB BNB caip2:eip155:97 βœ… Live
Arbitrum One Mainnet Ether ETH caip2:eip155:42161 βœ… Live
Arbitrum One Goerli Testnet Ether ETH caip2:eip155:421613 βœ… Live
Arbitrum One Sepolia Testnet Ether ETH caip2:eip155:421614 🚧 In progress
OP Mainnet Ether ETH caip2:eip155:10 βœ… Live
OP Goerli Testnet Ether ETH caip2:eip155:420 βœ… Live
OP Sepolia Testnet Ether ETH caip2:eip155:11155420 🚧 In progress
Linea Mainnet Ether ETH caip2:eip155:59144 βœ… Live
Linea Goerli Testnet Ether ETH caip2:eip155:59140 βœ… Live
Base Mainnet Ether ETH caip2:eip155:8453 βœ… Live
Base Goerli Testnet Ether ETH caip2:eip155:84531 βœ… Live
Base Sepolia Testnet Ether ETH caip2:eip155:84532 🚧 In progress
DeFiChain EVM Layer Mainnet DeFiChain DFI caip2:eip155:1130 βœ… Live
DeFiChain EVM Layer Testnet DeFiChain DFI caip2:eip155:1131 βœ… Live
X1 Mainnet OKB OKB caip2:eip155:196 πŸ›£οΈ Planned
X1 Testnet OKB OKB caip2:eip155:195 βœ… Live
Bitcoin Mainnet Bitcoin BTC caip2:bip122:000000000019d6689c085ae165831e93 βœ… Live
Bitcoin Testnet Bitcoin BTC caip2:bip122:000000000933ea01ad0ee984209779ba βœ… Live
DeFiChain Mainnet DeFiChain DFI caip2:bip122:279b1a87aedc7b9471d4ad4e5f12967a βœ… Live
DeFiChain Testnet DeFiChain DFI caip2:bip122:034ac8c88a1a9b846750768c1ad6f295 βœ… Live
Tron Mainnet Tron TRX caip2:tip474:728126428 βœ… Live
Tron Shasta Testnet Tron TRX caip2:tip474:2494104990 βœ… Live
Solana Mainnet Solana SOL caip2:solana:5eykt4UsFv8P8NJdTREpY1vzqKqZKvdp 🚧 In progress
Solana Testnet Solana SOL caip2:solana:4uhcVJyU9pJkvQyS88uRDiswHXSCkY3z 🚧 In progress
Litecoin Mainnet Litecoin LTC πŸ›£οΈ Planned
Litecoin Testnet Litecoin LTC πŸ›£οΈ Planned
Gnosis Chain Mainnet xDAI XDAI caip2:eip155:100 πŸ›£οΈ Planned
Gnosis Chain Chiado Testnet xDAI XDAI caip2:eip155:10200 πŸ›£οΈ Planned
Aurora Mainnet Ether ETH caip2:eip155:1313161554 πŸ›£οΈ Planned
Aurora Testnet Ether ETH caip2:eip155:1313161555 πŸ›£οΈ Planned
Avalanche C-Chain Mainnet Avalanche AVAX caip2:eip155:43114 πŸ›£οΈ Planned
Avalanche C-Chain Fuji Testnet Avalanche AVAX caip2:eip155:43113 πŸ›£οΈ Planned
Celo Mainnet Celo CELO caip2:eip155:42220 πŸ›£οΈ Planned
Celo Testnet Celo CELO caip2:eip155:44787 πŸ›£οΈ Planned